
FIXdom provides a wide range of services related to the development of standardised electronic interfaces in the financial industry. We are able to create a bespoke mix of services targeting the specific requirements of your organisation. It may be strategic consulting or a high level training to get you started, all the way to supporting a project from start to finish. You can also choose from a number of FIX trainings ranging from a general overview to trainings for a specific business functionality or a training for a specific FIX Technical Standard, including the meta-standard FIX Orchestra.

FIXdom can support a wide variety of actors in the financial industry. These not only include buy-side and sell-side firms but also exchanges and other electronic venues as well as clearinghouses, regulators and vendors offering financial services or market data information by means of programmable interfaces. There has been a major increase in global access to such services over the past decades. This has required many firms to get connected to a multitude of counterparties. It has also provided the possibility of offering services on a global basis and around the world. This has caused a significant increase in the use of standards throughout the financial industry, simply because it would be too costly to create and maintain non-standard interfaces, both for the provider and the consumer of related financial services.

Business Analysis

Convert business requirements into functional and technical specifications.

Interface Strategy

Analyse interface landscape to define an interface strategy for your company.

Interface Design

Define the Rules of Engagement to interact with your counterparties.

Interface Assessment

Analyse existing interfaces to determine their level of compliance with a standard.

Interface Documentation

Document the Rules of Engagement of the interfaces with your counterparties.

Interface Training

High level as well as detailed trainings for electronic interface standards.